Saturday, May 15, 2010


Dear Mother, Dad, Shirl, Rhoda, and Mr. Neil,
Well, perhaps you are wondering why I haven’t written for a few days—and really, I have no excuse. I just realized this morning that it had been a few days since I had given a report. However, I went to L.A. as you know, & of course Monday I was very tired—recuperating from my trip. Then yesterday we were in the surf all day making landings and last evening I went to mutual at Hillcrest Ward. They had a dance afterwards—and after that Johnny Stokes invited Gordie and I up to his apartment for some chow. He is married to a “wave” and they only see each other about 3 times a week—but still keep their apartment.
He fixed some bacon & eggs and salad etc. while Gordie and I played records. Johnny Stokes’ father works in the Post Office. He told us his father isn’t too good a Mormon but John shouldn’t be judged by his father –he is really a swell fellow. He is in the Navy and has been over-seas for quite a while. Well, after leaving there Gordie & I were very tired so we came home—and then this morning I realized how long it had been since I wrote—so here goes.
Well, I spent a very fine week-end in L.A. While there I attended Wilshire Ward and saw Mr. and Mrs. Sims. They invited me to dinner Sunday but I already had a date with some very nice people—whose son is stationed here as a seaman. After dinner However I went to see Sim’s and I spent all afternoon with them. They are very fine people & they invited me to stay with them any week-end.
I also called Mrs. Hollen—the Mother of the Ensign that called me up when I was home on leave. They also invited me out but I couldn’t find time to go. He is an Ensign and so am I—we both have exactly the same command. Any way he would be a fine guy to work under.
Well, after a very pleasant Day LaMont Richards called me & we went to the station—and Home to Coronado again—oh yes! La Mont was there too. Well, La Mont & I got very good seats on the very crowded train because his uncle is a passenger agent so we had a purty good trip. I didn’t see much of L.A. but I got my “Social Obligations” cleared up so I can see it next time.
Perhaps that all sounds mixed up but I hope you can make out the “point” of the whole thing.
I received a very nice letter form Shirlee Herzog today so I will have to devise some tactful Epistle and air-mail it to her—keeps up their morale you know.
Mother, you asked if Richards will dictate to me—heavens no!
He is an Ensign & so am I—we both have exactly the same command. Anyway he would be a fine guy to work under.
I guess you are wondering where that money is I was going to send home—well, it is right in my pocket but the bulk is in a check which I am having one heck of a time getting cashed. You see, I don’t get off in time to hit the bank & I haven’t the initiative to go into Diego in the evening—but, I will soon—very soon.
I think I have put on quite a few pounds since I have been here. The weather is so fine that it agrees with everyone—and then, too, we are in the fresh air so much different from N.Y.
I certainly wish all of you could see the things that are going on here all the time. It is really wonderful. I am certainly enjoying my work and I know it is all very fine and necessary.
I was so glad to hear that toots is O.K. and that her check up was 4.0 I think she worries too much –But really, there isn’t a thing to worry about. We are enjoying everything we do & learning a lot. I wouldn’t trade it for a million bucks and that’s no lie. I am sure Don feels the same way, too.
Well, Mr & Mrs. Sims send you their regards & so do La Mont & Gordie
--me too
P.S. wish I could help “youse” with the house cleaning, but I am trying to keep my boats clean.
Best of Love

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