Thursday, January 28, 2010


Salt Lake City, Ut 13:00
Davie W. McCarthy
Dear Chaplain:
You can but imagine our great delight at receiving your very kind letter of recent date, appraising us of the well being of our son Don; as you say we hear from him just as often as he can get mail through, and in his words he is always O.K. one can not always tell by his O.K. just how things are going with him, he has always been one to put the bright side out always. which is a good trait in any characer, but to have you his chaplain take take out to drop his folks a letter assuring them of his well being is more tha we expected. as I am sure you are plenty buisy so we his family wish to thank you from th ebotom of our hearts for you kind consideration, and w wish to assure you that you and your associates have a place in our prayers always as all humanity generally. When you see Don-tell him we are all well and getting along better than could reasonably be expected being in such a great War. I am sure that is true of all people under the american flag-It is needless for me to reflect how happy your missive made us and that we well be overjoyed to hear from you anytime you can spare a few minutes.
Very Sincerely
Mrs. and Mrs A.T. Smith